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Resources at Elon

What can students do to report sexual assault at Elon. 

Many options:

  • Reporting to the title nine offices.

  • Students can fill out an online report form

    •  they can directly call the title nine offices and then there are some staff on campus who are considered mandatory reporters who will do that report if someone chooses to disclose to them.

  • Reporting to the people who are in the Dean of Students Office.

  • Students have the option of utilizing a confidential resource

  • Contacting the police


Meet the Staff:

24/7 hotline for survivors: (336) 278-3333

Report form:

If Emergency call: 911

Campus Safety and Police: (336) 278-5555

Schedule a meeting with a Confidential Advocate: 336-278-5009



No repercussions will be given to students who report sexual assault and were illegally using substances or drinking at the time.

Page by Ryan Zhang

Sexual Assault Resources and Stories | Elon University

Anne Thyfault - Ryan Zhang - Gia Cullens

WGSS Praxis Project 2022

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